Global Warming

Climate Change the Crisis – Part One

Our generation has to fix the problem now, for the futures generations.

Fossile Fules mainly oil and coal release carbon minoxide and other gases into the atmostphere. These gases trap heat from the sun causing earth to warm (The Green House effect)

Human activity is warming Earth

Global warming reshaping our future

Artic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world

Hotter the globe gets, the more extreme weather

Desertification – Increasing temperatures around the world are making arid and semi- arid areas even more dry than before. Research are showing that the water cycle is changing and rainfall patterns are shifting to make areas that are already dry, even drier.

Increased melting of snow and ice – Alps, Himalayas, Andes, Rockies, Alaska and Africa show all show results of now and ice melting at a faster pace than in the past.

Sea level rise – Global warming has caused this by affecting the oceans in two ways: warmer average temperatures cause ocean waters to expand (thermal expansion) and the accelerated melting of ice and glaciers increase the amount of water in the oceans.

Stronger hurricanes and cyclones – Tropical cyclone activity has increased in the Pacific by 35% and in the Atlantic it has nearly doubled.